G20 Summit 2023: G20 meetings to be held in Delhi

g20 summit 2023

The G20 summit in Delhi is going to begin on September 9. The conference will be held at ‘Bharat Mandapam’, Pragati Maidan, and the ITPO Convention Center in New Delhi. This summit will last for several days and will include representatives of member countries as well as guest countries, who will discuss economic reforms.
The summit will conclude with the adoption of the G20 Leaders’ Declaration.

What is G20 group

The G20 was formed in September 1999 as an international forum by the finance ministers of the G-7 countries and began as a meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors following the 1999 Asian financial crisis. The first summit of G20 leaders was held in 2008, and the G20 group played an important role in dealing with the global financial crisis.

The G20 forum promotes informal dialogue and cooperation among countries while maintaining international financial stability, and the G20 is the main forum for international economic cooperation and decision-making on certain issues for its members.

The G20 works with the International Monetary Fund, the Financial Stability Board, the International Labor Organization, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the United Nations, the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization. G20 leaders meet once a year. Many other organizations are also invited to participate in major G-20 meetings.

G20 members represent about 85 percent of global domestic product, 75 percent of global trade, and more than two-thirds of the world’s population. Its members include Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States. European Union.

G20 summit schedule

  • 3-6 September: Fourth Sherpa Meeting
  • 5-6 September: Meeting of Finance Representatives
  • 6 September: Meeting of Joint Sherpas and Finance Representatives
  • 9-10 September: Ministerial meeting at the G20 summit
  • 13-14 September: 4th Sustainable Finance Working Group meeting in Varanasi
  • 14–16 September: 4th meeting of the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion in Mumbai
  • 18–19 September: Fourth Framework Working Group meeting in Raipur

The G20 logo is inspired by the National Flag of India and includes the vibrant colors of the ‘Tricolor’, i.e., saffron, white, green, and blue. The seamless combination of white, green, and blue lotuses with the earth adds to the beauty of the logo.

Who will be the guests of G20 Summit 2023?

The G20 Summit 2023 will be the 18th summit to be held in New Delhi and will be attended by heads of state and governments from 19 countries. Apart from this, the European Union will also participate in this conference, as will the heads of nine countries, as guest countries, who will participate in the G20 meeting. International organizations (UN, IMF, WB, WHO, WTO, ILO, FSB, and OECD) and regional organizations (AU, AUDA-NEPAD, and ASEAN), besides ISA, CDRI, and ADB, have been invited as guests of honor by India as Chair of the G20.

Russian President Putin has expressed his inability to attend the conference and said that Russia will be represented by the Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation, Sergei Lavrov.


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